These Vintage Olive Oils are selected from the Mediterranean region. They are made from the year's harvest, which guarantees their freshness, and are exclusively batches of superior quality extra virgin olive oil. Our producers guarantee the terroir, the olive varieties and a vintage olive oil produced in the purest regional tradition and in sustainable agriculture.

For the past 26 years, we have been travelling around the Mediterranean every year to select a hundred or so artisanal mills according to very strict specifications. Our producers guarantee us a vintage olive oil produced in the purest regional tradition and in integrated or organic farming. Each sample is graded on a 200-point scale, and only thirty or so batches are selected each year by our olive oil expert Eric Verdier.

We control more than 1,200 batches per year, both on sensory conformity and through rigorous physico-chemical analysis. All our oils are then bottled in our workshop in Haute-Provence. Each label specifies the country of origin, the name of the estate and the producer, the date of harvest and the olive variety.

In each orchard, the olives are picked by hand and pressed less than 24 hours after harvesting. 5 to 12 kilos of olives are used to obtain a litre of exceptional oil: this low yield is the guarantee of quality. Our bottles are opaque, to preserve the taste quality of our oils.

As with wine, each olive oil has its own personality, linked to the combination of several factors: the land, the know-how of the people, the varieties and the maturity of the olives used. Olive oil is a pure fruit juice that offers a wide range of tastes and aromas. Find out how to taste olive oil to help you decide which one is right for you.